EXTRA conceived and performed by Lilith Primavera

“…my skin is paper of news, my eyes are turned off screens.”
“EXTRA” is a situationist performance of music, bodyart and visual. It is an installation of paper, flesh and screens.
In the acting space a female body moves through newspapers’ sheets and TV screeens, across visual screaning attending tests of music. Then it slowly awakes from the torpor of media deconstructing their eccectiveness via an individual path of riappropriation of its own communicative capability.

Performance : Lilith Primavera

Music : Stefano 66K De Angelis

Visual art : Ines Scumace

Lilith Primavera is a  body performer and a conceptual situationist director.
She deals with alternative worlds, private cosmos and collective nightmares.

“… looking closely at nobody is normal…. You can photocopy me in pieces or as a whole. You can revise me or dispense me, as long as you’ll make of me no commercial use. All Rights Reverse.”

Stefano 66K De Angelis is a dj – creative producer of electronic and contemporary music. After the experience of the legendary rave scene in London, he started the band LISMA project with the composer Enrico Melozzi and CinkRecords.

Look at that calm enthusiasm. Look at those eyes starving for reality. Look at the individual, once covered with lies, getting naked layer after layer and free, in space and mutual sight (the individual befor the mass, the individual among the audience) to contemplate life and its call for truth. Its call for beauty.


“Look at that calm enthusiasm. Look at those eyes starving for reality. Look at the individual, once covered with lies, getting naked layer after layer and free, in space and mutual sight (the individual befor the mass, the individual among the audience) to contemplate life and its call for truth. Its call for beauty”

Guarda l’entusiasmo pacato. Guarda gli occhi affamati di realtà. Guarda l’individuo, prima coperto di bugie, spogliarsi strato dopo strato e farsi libero, nello spazio e in muto sguardo (l’individuo di fronte alla massa, l’individuo tra il pubblico) di contemplare la vita e il suo anelito di verità. Il suo analito di bellezza.